Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

BEST Job Search Websites

Job websites serve as the modern equivalent of classified ads by compiling and listing available telecommute and local openings. Equipped with millions of listings and additional resources like career coaching, resume tailoring, and blog posts full of helpful tips, using a job website is one of the best and most efficient ways to search for and apply to dozens of opportunities.

To find the best job websites to kick off your search, we looked at more than two dozen different job websites before selecting the top 10. We made our picks after considering the number of listings on each site, ease of use, costs, advanced features, industries and experience levels served, and reputation.

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Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

Most Valuable Career Skills for 2022

By 2029, the fastest-growing occupation is expected to be wind turbine service technician. The third-fastest growing occupation is solar voltaic installer.

In addition to clean energy-related jobs, healthcare is an area of rapid occupational growth. Six out of 10 of the fastest-growing occupations are healthcare-related. They are nurse practitioners, occupational therapy assistants, home health and personal care aides, physical therapy assistants, medical and health service managers, and physicians assistants.

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Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

Job interview tips: Helpful Hints

Helpful Hints for 2022:

  • Teach yourself about the company you are interviewing for and make sure you show sincere interest in the position you have applied for.
  • Be prepared to ask questions to ensure the company is the right fit for you
  • Dress appropriately. In order to act professional, you must take the time to look professional.
  • Come across as friendly and not desperate. Focus on creating a positive personal image for yourself rather than searching for sympathy.
  • Keep your answers focused and to the point.
  • Practice, practice, practice! Don’t try to memorize answers, but organize your main points and present them logically.
  • Take the time to say thank you in person, and write a thank you note after the interview to use as a follow-up opportunity.
  • Prepare for the “What’s your weakness?” question. Show how you have overcome these weaknesses. Slow progress is better than no progress.

Pre-interview Preparation

  • Client research and product analysis
  • Prepare to communicate value through your prior accomplishments

Find “Hot Buttons”

  • Unspoken concerns or wishes that the interviewer may have
  • Ask the following questions:

What do you see as the greatest challenge for this position?
What qualities do you see as most important for this position?

  • LISTEN – then match your qualities to interviewer’s motivations


  • Enticing cover letter
  • Resume must motivate reader to reach out to you
  • Ask for a second interview – Be bold!

Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

Job Interview Tips: What to Bring

Interviewing is a learned skill, and making a good first impression is crucial when trying to land that dream job. Here is a short list of what to bring to your interview.

  1. Professional looking portfolio – take brief notes during the interview to demonstrate organization and to avoid crossing your arms, but only after receiving permission to do so
  2. Information about the company you are interviewing for and contact numbers in case of any emergencies before your interview starts
  3. Several copies of your resume, including one for yourself
  4. Any sample work that demonstrates your skills and abilities
  5. A list of questions about the position and company itself
  6. A calendar to schedule any additional interviews

With a little foresight and extra planning, you will know that you are thoroughly prepared to present yourself with confidence and poise. Remember that an experienced candidate with the right attitude and skill sets is hard to beat. Understand that first impressions count. Recognize that the interview begins when you arrive onsite. Each person you meet, from the parking lot attendant to the administrative assistant to the CEO have input. Be respectful, professional and courteous to everyone. Anticipate a favorable outcome and you might just land that great new job!

Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

2022 Job Interview Tips: The Big Four

Inner Dreamer – Possibilities

Assume that your interviewer has read your resume. Your past experiences have earned you a spot across from the interviewer. Now shift your focus to your future. Paint them a picture of how you see yourself making a difference; not only in your work, but also in your life.

Inner Lover – People

Remember that an interview isn’t a transaction, it is the start of a relationship. You want your interviewer not only to think you are qualified for the the job, but also to like the thought of having you around. Don’t only show your interest in landing the job to your interviewer, but also display your interest in getting to know them.

Inner Thinker – Perspectives

Stay away from general statements that don’t demonstrate your thoughtfulness, ability to think deeply about issues, or the quality of your judgement. Use responses that invite your interviewer to think about what you said rather than just saying what you think they want to hear.

Inner Warrior – Performance

Show commitment, resolve, and the discipline to get things done. Your inner warrior orients toward taking action and crossing the finish line. Instead of listing job titles you’ve held, give examples of projects you’ve worked on and completed with confidence and humility.

Congress Collection Blog Posts

Our goal is to empower you to resolve your financial obligations.

Good advice?

We’ve all seen or heard advertisements that instruct consumers to end the collection calls. Stopping collection calls is certainly an option, but usually not the best one. This tactic just takes away the ability to have a dialogue, which is the best way to come to a positive resolution!